Fuji Spray - Phelps Refinishing

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Fuji Spray Blue is the New Green

Go Green by Buying Blue!

Celebrate the Earth this year, and know that by using a Fuji Spray system, you’re lessening your contribution to global warming.

Blue for Fuji Spray, Green for Minimizing Climate Change and Saving Money Too

How Fuji Spray helps you minimize your carbon footprint


Compare a Fuji Spray system that can spray a wide range of fluids, with spray systems designed to do only one thing well. The right Fuji Spray system can cover all the spray projects for years to come.

(Need advice on the system right for you and your budget? Call me! 800-377-5662 — or check out my article on choosing an hvlp spray system.)

Fuji Spray Durability!

A Fuji Spray turbine may not look sparkling brand new after a decade of use, but it can be performing just fine. (That’s from my personal experience as a cabinet maker tired of replacing spray systems by other brands.)

  • Parts can be replaced. (I keep a full inventory of parts and rebuild kits.)

  • Spray guns can be cleaned and serviced.

  • Every Fuji Spray product is made for corrosion resistance and durability, from stainless steel fluid passages in the spray guns, to the heat resistance of the turbines and hose fittings.

less overspray, less air pollution

Fuji Spray guns minimize the fluid that enters the air instead of landing on the object you’re spraying:

  • The guns are non-bleeders, so spray stops as soon as you release the trigger.

  • You can adjust the spray pattern and fluid flow to minimize overspray. (The best-selling Q5 system’s variable speed control gives you the ultimate in perfect fluid atomization, with the Mini-Mite 5 coming in second because of its 5-stage power.)

  • The superior spray gun and air cap designs mean less VOCs (Volative Organic Compounds) entering the atmosphere.

  • Ease of cleaning means less solvent is needed after spraying solvent-based fluids.

Fuji Spray durability minimizes landfill piles

Less overspray and better atomization mean less preparation and cleanup waste that lands in landfills.

Compare a Fuji Spray system that lasts for years, with

  • the 30 billion cans of spray paint made in the United States every year.

  • Or with the plastic cheap spray setups that last only a year or two.

  • Or with “throw away” spray systems with parts that can’t be replaced or repaired.

Doing good also saves you money.

You’re smart enough to have figured this out.

Happy spraying!

Roger Phelps, Owner

Phelps Refinishing — Perfect Spraying Made Fun™

Need free expert advice? Call me at 800-377-5662 M-F 9-5 DT.